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Department of Statistics

Welcome to Statistics at Penn State

Program Goal

The statistics program provides students with a strong foundation in statistics and the broad skills to prepare them for advanced study in statistics or employment in industry and government.



1. Students will acquire a background in critical and abstract thinking through the application of mathematical principles to statistical problems. Graduates will demonstrate a clear understanding of probability theory and its role in the construction of modern statistical theory.

2. Students will attain a general appreciation of data analysis in the context of scientific reasoning. They will be able to combine statistical modeling concepts with computational skills to analyze data.

3. Students will be able to assist other statisticians and specialists in the development of appropriate statistical methods for analyzing their data via effective oral and written communication skills.


How to Apply to Penn State

Visit the Undergraduate Admissions site to learn how to apply to Penn State.


Entrance to Statistics Major Requirements

In order to be eligible for entrance into the Statistics major, a student must have:

  1. Attained at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average.
  2. Completed MATH 140 and MATH 141; and earned a grade of C or better in each of these courses.


Career Opportunities

The employment record for Penn State Statistics graduates is excellent. Statisticians are in high demand in a wide variety of fields. An advantage to working in statistics is the ability to combine your interest with almost any other field in science, technology or business. Salaries and opportunities for advancement are competitive and reflect the current demand for statisticians.


Financial Aid

A number of grants, loans, work-study programs, and scholarships are available through Penn State. To learn more about what is available and how to apply, contact:

Office of Student Aid
The Pennsylvania State University
314 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802-1220
(814) 865-6301


Interested In Learning More?

If you have additional questions about the Statistics program in Penn State's Eberly College of Science, please contact:

Undergraduate Statistics Office
Academic Advising
323 Thomas Building
University Park, PA 16802


Additional Resources